Very often our conception of a greater or less degree of freedom differs according to the different points of view from which we regard the phenomenon. But every human action is always alike conceived by us as a certain combination of free will and necessity. 关于自由多寡的概念时常因我们观察现象的观点不同而各异;但是永远有共同的一面,人的每一行动,在我们看来,都是自由和必然性的一定的结合。
Lastly, the paper points but that pollution monitoring, with the status of law enforcement and supervision, can play a supervisory role with regard to law and technology in the integrated coastal zone management. 文章最后提出,污染监测具有执法监督地位,在海岸带综合管理中可发挥技术监督作用。
Simile to the situations in which they hold different economic points of view toward monopoly, people also regard the industrial monopoly of insurance and relative political orientations with differential attitudes. 与人们在经济学意义上对待垄断的观点相似,在保险业,关于垄断也有不同的观点和政策取向。
In the essay, I put forward some new points in the view of logic innovation: If we regard the law of contradiction as a thinking rule, we can conclude a group of paradoxes such as the barber paradox only are conflicting fallacies. 逻辑学创新的若干成果:只要把矛盾律理解成思维的规则,就可认定理发师悖论、罗素悖论等一批悖论都是矛盾谬论。
The third part, focusing on the development of the China's community correction, analyzes and sums up the achievements ever obtained and problems existing in China's trial points of community correction in line with the practices ever performed in the regard in China; 第三部分从社区矫正在我国的发展概况入手,结合我国社区矫正的实践,分析总结了我国开展社区矫正试点所取得的经验和存在的问题;
This plan had not been accomplished, but this incompleteness is precisely one of the important features of this project for it points to the future and requires cooperation of all mankind in this regard. 这一计划并未完成,但这种未完成性恰恰是这一计划本身的重要特性,因为它指向的是未来,并且要求人类就此展开合作。